An Evening With is made up of 3 works about beginnings and endings interspersed between other turns on a mixed bill stage.
Firstly an audio jingle introduces the night - listing all the participating artists in the style of Saturday Night TV entertainment. This plays to an empty stage save a never-ending spinning spotlight.
Next the cast of a variety show including a troupe of Pierrots, a puppeteer, a giant bear, Captain Hook, a magician and more take to the stage to perform only a sequence of bows. The audience applauding wearily as the relentless encore continues beyond a natural duration. Seemingly endless it's a distillation of an evening’s anticipation, hilarity and nostalgia into less than 10 minutes!
Finally when the audience return after the interval they find sawdust, glitter, custard pies and elephant dung covering the stage. Empty ice cream tubs and crumpled programmes lie under seats, Maltesers role in the aisles. 2 people silently sweep up the performance debris.