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Ruthless adult comedy horror in a caravan

exploring power, abuse and New Age spirituality. 

Written and performed with Hannah Eaton as Hewlett & Eaton (Running time 50 mins)


Through the fug of incense and a migraine-inducing array of shrines, the egomaniacal Barbara leads an audience of 6 on a terrifying spiritual journey where they become unwitting accomplices in her daughter Yogashwara's oppression. But will Yogashwara's desperate acts of rebellion be enough to finally release her from the confines of the Safe Space? 

Like John Waters grotesques with a millennial sensibility, Hewlett & Eaton explore collusion and trauma in the aisles of the spiritual supermarket and the contemporary quest for self-improvement in an unkind world.

"Brilliantly horrible from start to finish.....It’s dark and intimate in all the wrong ways and also very very funny."

Eric Page, Gscene


"This unique, darkly comic show is sharply devised and skilfully performed which makes it one of the standout performances at the Fringe this year. Keep a third eye out for great things from the galloping imaginations of the shows creators Hewlett and Eaton."

Stuart Rolt, BN1 Magazine

This performance is as intimate as a colonic irrigation and, if it's possible, funnier...... Pure brilliance."

Sophie London, Total Theatre


"I have NEVER felt more disturbed, while being simultaneously delighted. The Safe Space is a terrifying journey into hilarious sadness."

David Cross, comedian

Directed by Hewlett & Eaton with additional support from Matt Ryan

Staring Hannah Eaton as Barbara Dwindle and Susannah Hewlett as Yogashwara Dwindle

Featuring Steve Nice, Mark Hannah and Simon Brown

Set Design, costume, make up by Hewlett & Eaton

Produced by Hewlett & Eaton 

Originally created as a Duckie Gayshame commission - then developed as a full length show, touring between 2010-2015 to Brighton Fringe, Latitude Festival, Edinburgh Fringe and as a one off special in New York.

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