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Video installation:  5 x 4:3 televisions on stands

Inspired by the familiarity and repetitious plot lines of soap operas, the title takes its name from the phrase often cringingly used by characters the moment they resume kissing having been interrupted; “Now…where were we…?”

10 actors perform soap opera style devised scenarios written by Hewlett.  Each scene is a continuous loop with no apparent beginning and no end. With ever changing musical crescendos, the scenes culminate with a synchronised kiss between the screens - each one typically staged and recognisably clichéd.

This is one of a number of pieces inspired by the tropes of soap operas.  An early work in her career - the themes in Where Were We?  resonate within Hewlett's practise today still making it one of her all time favourite pieces!


Directed, filmed and edited by Susannah Hewlett

Performed by Neil Baker, Peter Beck, Chris Evans, Laura Hodges, Tamar Carr-Martindale,  Katy McCaul, Tim Seely, Nick Snell, Tazelaar Stevenson and Gail Varle.

Music. Robin Forrest

Created as one of four works for 2003 Slade exhibition. Also exhibited at Walking Through Walls, Tel  Aviv Artists' Studios, Israel  2007.

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